Developmental Milestones

Gross motor

  • Raises head off the ground when lying on tummy (3 months)
  • Supports upper body with their arms when lying on tummy (3 months)
  • Moves arms and legs off the ground when excited
  • Starts to push down with legs when feet are placed on a flat surface as if pretending to stand (reflex)

 Fine motor

  • Hands move from fists to being open more often
  • Attempt to hit toys when a toy is held above the chest
  • Starts bringing hands to mouth
  • Starts to play with fingers


  • Turns head towards sounds
  • Coos and makes gurgle noises
  • Loud noises startle him/her


  • Follows moving objects from side-to-side
  • Starts to recognise familiar objects

Social - Emotional

  • Begins to smile at familiar faces
  • Distinguishes mother’s voice from other voices

 Sensory and Perceptual

  • Rocking, gentle touch and gentle sounds calm the baby
  • Swaddling in a blanket calms the baby
  • Enjoys swaying movements
  • Able to turn head to find breast or bottle to feed
  • Calms when they hear the familiar voice of caregivers, especially when they sing a song to them
  • At the age of 1 month they can only see about 30cm in front of them.
  • Sees contrast colours best e.g. black and white
  • Reflexes present

Please note that each baby is different and will reach various milestones at various stages. 

For any milestone or developmental concerns, please speak to a medical professional.

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