Developmental Milestones
Gross motor
- Pull up against furniture and cruise along the furniture
- Can go in and out of a crawling position into a sitting position
- Some babies only start to crawl at 10 months
- Start climbing on furniture and stairs (can only go up)
- Start to stand alone and may take individual steps
- Prefer to hold onto a walker, push cart or an adult hand when walking
- Starts to throw a ball on the ground in your direction
Fine motor
- Picks up small objects with thumb and forefinger
- Points and pokes items with one finger, usually index finger
- Starts to imitate scribbles
- Starts to assist with dressing by making arms and legs straight
- Pulls off socks
- Finger feeds themself
- Enjoys putting objects or toys in a container and can take them out again
- Starts to feed with a spoon – still messy
- Says more 2 syllable words such as “ma-ma”, “da-da”
- Starts responding to simple instructions e.g. “sit down”
- Will imitate non-verbal sounds e.g. coughing, sneezing
- Speaks as if they are speaking a foreign language (gibberish)
- Babbling has sounds and rhythms of home language
- Starts to say 3 more words other than mommy and daddy
- Uses simple gestures e.g. shake head to indicate “no”
- Studies and investigates toys by pulling, poking, throwing, banging
- Starts to understand the use of common items e.g. will speak on the telephone, or imitate brushing hair with a hairbrush
- Shows interest in pictures of books or magazines
- Able to find a toy when it is hidden under a cushion or blanket
Social - Emotional
- Starts showing fear for items, sounds and certain people
- Separation anxiety still present
- Will enjoy company of other children, but will play side-to-side as opposed to with (each one busy with his/her own game)
- They would prefer to do everything themselves
Sensory and Perceptual
- Start to point to main body parts (e.g. hands, eyes, feet)
- Seek more energetic movements e.g. love to climb on father’s back and ride horsey or wrestle with father in bed when they wake up
- They can look around in the room while they crawl / walk without losing their balance
- Start to enjoy play that involves texture e.g. mud, sand, finger paint
- Able to see objects in the distance and will move to the item to explore it once they see it
Please note that each baby is different and will reach various milestones at various stages.
For any milestone or developmental concerns, please speak to a medical professional.